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At the Dentist (Part 1) - Japanese Language Study Audio Downloads - nihongo.fm

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At the Dentist (Part 1)


Manufacturer: nihongo.fm

Product Information

"Communicating At the Dentist in Japanese" was co-written with 3 Japanese dentists. It includes 46 useful phrases Japanese speaking dentists and English speaking patients can use for smoother visits to the dentist's office. Content ranges from basic sentences like: Bite down hard (強くかんで下さい。) Please raise your head" (頭を持ち上げて下さい。) ...to more complicated phrases like: Do you have any adverse reactions to local anesthesia? (麻酔で気分が悪くなりますか?) When I give the injection, you might feel a little sting. (注射のときに少しチクッとするかもしれません。) Great for any English speaking patient planning to visit a Japanese dentist OR English speaking dentist working with Japanese patients. This course helps with fluency and clear pronunciation.

Product Code: AT 3UPN892


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