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Treatment Related Sentences (Part 1) - Japanese Language Study Audio Downloads - nihongo.fm

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Treatment Related Sentences (Part 1)


Manufacturer: nihongo.fm

Product Information

"Communicating At The Hospital In Japanese" is designed for English speakers who need to communicate with Japanese speaking doctors, nurses & health care staff.

Studying with "Communicating At The Hospital In Japanese" will increase confidence, vocabulary, rhythm and correct pronuinciation needed when speaking with hospital staff about health issues and help discuss diagnosis & treatment.

The complete audio course consists of 5 sections with a total of 11 audio tracks and a total of 149 sentences.

Sections & Sample sentences include:

Patient Complaints (患者の訴え):
I had blood in my stool last night.(昨晩下血しました。)
I have a sharp pain in my stomach. (胃がきりきり痛いです。)

Questions For Patients (患者への質問):
Have you ever been seriously ill? (これまでに大きな病気をしたことはありますか?)
Does is hurt when you urinate? (排尿の時に痛いですか?)

Undergoing Evaluation (検査に関すること ):
Please don't blink. (まばたきをしないでください。)
Please put this thermometer under your arm. (わきの下にこの体温計をはさんでください。)

Diagnosis Related Sentences (診断に関すること ):
The tumor is malignant.(腫瘍は悪性です。)
We found a blood clot in your left leg.(左足に血栓が見つかりました。)

Treatment Related Sentences (診療に関すること):
Apply this solution three times a day, one drop at a time. (点眼薬は1日3回1滴ずつさしてください。)
Be sure to drink plenty of liquids. (水分は出来るだけとってください。)

Product Code: TREFD6904


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